Friday 19 July 2013

Typewriter update i

"How's the typewriter going", you ask?  Well, I'll tell you!

The short answer is, "very well".  Starting yesterday afternoon, with some work this morning and more today, I've worked on it for around 8 hours.  The boxy blob has transformed into something resembling my typewriter and I'm very pleased.

Low-poly mesh

High-poly mesh
The basic structure is in place and I have moved toward a final shape (adding detail) on the front section of the case; this is a double-edged sword, making it easier to get a feel for the finished product but changes will take longer. Right now the shape is slightly more clear on the low-poly mesh thanks to the wireframe, but with the high-poly mesh you can make out the curves.  This weekend I will be working on the back of the machine where the paper feed mechanism - and letters - are housed.  I have worked largely from reference pictures to date but for those complex parts I really need the machine in front of me.

Of particular note is the sloping, curving section at the front of the machine, which surrounds the keyboard.  The inner and outer edges go through some extremely abrupt changes from sharp to smooth to sharp.  Realising them on the model has been a chore so far but I've nearly got it.

When I started work on this, delayed by shoddy pictures (my fault), I was worried that I had over-reached and this might be too much to achieve in the relatively short time available.  I feel much calmer about things now, having made good progress already.

Otherwise, we have begun to look at lights and their uses.  The whole of next will will be devoted to lighting.  I'm looking forward to this a lot as it's one of the parts of 3D I know the least about.  The next week will hopefully leave us prepared to render our objects in a few weeks.

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