Thursday 27 June 2013


Today was the last day of my admin career, hopefully.

I said fond goodbyes to those I care about at work.  Thoughtful presents were handed over and we had excellent leaving drinks.

I am leaving after six-or-so years in the NHS.  I am extremely proud of my time there and will miss it deeply.  I have genuinely helped many, many people and will always remember that. 

I have received some abusive behaviour but it is far outweighed by the positive, appreciative, genuine and heartfelt thanks I have received - sometimes in the form of chocolate!

It's an unusual transition: in the NHS you are fundamentally trusted by those with whom you are dealing, simply by being part of that organisation.  People offer deeply personal information to you on request without a second's thought, implicitly understanding that you will use it to the best of your ability to help them; that it will remain confidential is never discussed (at that moment) but is always understood.  It is a privilege and an honour.  It is something I will miss.

The patients are the whole point and they are what makes the job worth doing... though they are sometimes a curse!  I will miss regular interaction with them, helping them understand the monolith that is the NHS and trying to guide their treatment pathway through it as smoothly as possible.  I care about them and I think part of me will always think and feel like an NHS employee.

But that is not the point of this blog!

On Monday morning it begins. Hopefully the first stage of a smooth, painless transition into the world of VFX. It won't be quite that easy, of course, but I can dream.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog Andrew, really nice sentiments about the NHS, best of luck for Monday xx
